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Please support Dorkistic Design by clicking on the LINK. Have a nice day! With love, Miss Sagittarius

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Shopping Spree
Having a job = weekly income = cash to shop = shopping spree.

One of my most favourite online site to shop on is Brandsexclusive and sometimes you can pick up really nice bargains and really pretty clothes!

One of my first purchases were just some basics that I really needed (white singlets).
Then it was some winter, knitted wear (jumper and 2 tops).
Then it was some more tops (long sleeve fancy purple top and thin cardigan)

Then it was another cardigan and strapless top.

Then a nice over the shoulder brown coat.

Then I had to stop myself from purchasing anymore items from the site! I had to stop because each sale purchase = 1 box + standard shipping fee and ever since then I had not made any new purchases.

Another favourite store that I love going to is MINK.

I love mink so much because
1. it's in my area
2. bargains!

98% of the time only buy the clothes that are on sale and here are my 2 most recent purchase: a jumper and cotton top, there could have been another one on the list as today I saw this gorgeous green dress but no size :(

On the last week of uni, I went with a friend to Macquarie Shopping Centre and ended up spending again! But, they were all on sale .... and this is what I bought:

This really really pretty strapless dress for only $19

Jeanswest knitted top - 30% off already reduced price

Colette rings - 50% off as she was a member, I love flowers.

During my outings with my girls and family, movies at westfields. I also bought a few things and here is all of my recent westfields purchases (on two different occasions)

This unique beautiful ring at Lovisa. It's a PEACOCK!!

This beautiful pink/red top at Forever New 40% off on already reduced price and also my mum bought me this polka dot dress at Forever New as well and I LOVE IT. (My photos don't do them any justice!!)

Red blazer at Dotti $30, great bargain :D

Today (11th of April), my sister and I went to do some shopping in our area and I bought:

And also this was dress was purchased at Trade Secret for only $10, strapless with belt.

This pretty much sums up most of my shopping and I really really need to shop buying things. I haven't even blog about my non fashion related purchases (sigh).

Past 3 months...
The last time I blog was almost 3 months ago :O and during that time sooo many things had happened. Where do I start with my recounting? Sigh, if it wasn't for my laziness then this wouldn't had happen.

Well to start off, I changed my blog layout! It's an old one that has been previously used by my old blog but Lee Joon is just so sexy so I decided to use it again.

A big change that impacted on my life is I got a JOB. So one day in February, I decided to search for jobs again in the local newspaper as I had given up after being constantly rejected. There I saw an ad for the position of a receptionist at a real estate. Giving it a go and submitting my resume, I was called in for an interview and was supperr excited because I was finally given the opportunity to be hired.

A few days before the interview, went Target shopping and bought some pants (because I do not own any work pants) and prepared my outfit for the interview. The day came and I stepped into the office, was really nervous and tried to calm myself down. The door opened and my interviewer invited me in... it was a woman.

In my head, I was hoping that she is nice and not intimidating at all. I sat down on the chair and we TALKED. It was the most carefree interview ever, with no interview questions! We just converse with each other and in the end she really liked me and HIRED ME!!! YAY :D
What did happen was that I forgot to bring my resume, but she was really nice about it and told me to email it to her again and then she thought I could do part time. Unfortunately, because of uni commitments it's impossible to do that and I could only do casual. Thankgod she re-assured me that she will be happy to give me just 1 day and that she will still hire me.

O-week of Uni came and I received a call from my manager. She called me in to work and ever since then I am working for them.

I love work.

Overall, work is great. It's one of the best things that happened in my life and I am very lucky to get this job. However, it also turned me into more of a shopaholic but I am trying my best to manage that.

And that shopping craze will be shown in my next post.

As mentioned in the previous post, X (a Nutrimetics consultant in which I will not say her name) came over to my house to do the free facial as promised soon after the Chicks at the Flicks event.

During that time, my two gals was with me so I asked them to join and they agreed. X came to my house and unraveled, from her HUGE bag, Nutrimetics goodies after asking me what type is my skin. She brought out a nice pink set and it is called Hydafinity. There was cleanser, toner, exfoliater, Mineral mask, Eye Rejuvenator and moisturiser.

Cleanser: was gel base in a tube, felt really good on my face (note X applied it for us) and smelt really nice, everything smelt really nice hahah

Mineral Mask: I purchased as it has natural ingredients, makes your skin super smooth, clean JUST REALLY DIVINE, can be used not only as a mask but also pimple cream!
, easy to apply and just plain beautiful

Moisturiser: felt very light and natural and I just love the texture

Then X did my gal with the same products and my mum with a different range after I was done.

Verdict: Nutrimetics skincare range is really GOOD! The set is really worth the money, it is not overly expensive, works great on my skin, makes it feel really clean and smooth and clear, smells great and order comes right at the door!

I will really order my skincare set after I'm done with my current one and I can't wait to continue being a frequent customer of Nurtimetics.

They have their own website too with other products and frequent sales so check it out as I highly recommend them


3. Chicks at the flicks - Breaking Dawn (30th November)

This outing was long ago but I never recounted it so this is how it happened. Looking at the sessions for Breaking Dawn, I saw the ad on the sidebar of a "Chicks at the flicks" event for breaking dawn and was curious to what it is. It's an event held by event cinemas that is on at night for a girls night out and you get a free gift bag (tickets are a bit more expensive so I guess the bag is not totally free). So I thought it was cool and interesting and bought tickets for me and my gal at parramatta.

On the day, we came an hour early (as being told) and saw a few girls stands. One is an exercise and we put our names in a draw and got vouchers. Another one was skin care where I signed up for a free facial and also went in a draw to win makeup. The brand was Nutrimetics. The last stand was doing your nails for free but I didn't do mines because there was too many people.

Before our movie time 7pm, we were given our gift bags as we made our way in vmax and man the bag was heavy and had really nice things like a cute pad set box, body mist, food and magazines. We had a bit of trivia questions before commencing with our movie and I must say that this one is one of my favourites out of the franchise as it was funny but Bella is still awkward at times and they left out some parts of the book that I thought it would be good to keep.

Chicks at the flicks was really really fun because your audience is so much more fun to be around with and more comfortable to watch these "chick flicks" compare to the public as us ladies have the same interest in scenes, laugh at the same times etc.

LOVE the event and will go again in FEB for "THE VOW"

2. Christmas Party

The plan was for my gal to pick me up so that we can arrive together at Miss D's house. My gal, like always, arrived earlier than I had expected and I just finished showering so I tried my best to quickly get dress and blow dry my hair .... all of that probably took about another 15minutes ish .
And also I have to pack my small handbag.

We went out into the car and got there past 6pm. On the way there, I did hesitate about my clothes being too formal because I wore my red jumpsuit (the same one as previous post) but when we arrived, there was heaps more girls being more dressy than me so I was fine. We were pretty early to the party even though it started at 5pm as they were just preparing the BBQ food and there was small crowds of people here and there.

Our first mission was to find Miss D which took us a while and I spotted her inside the house and she spotted us. The funny thing was, was that she was still really busy doing this and that and we were snapping away with photos so my gal and I couldn't give her gift yet until when the crowd died down that we were away to give it to her.

At the party we chilled, drank softdrinks, ate curry as our first dish then the BBQ food, salad and just talked until a magician walked in. He was asian and was doing card tricks. Since there was too many ppls crowded around him, my gal and I waited until he comes closer to us to watch the show. He was really good and interesting as our last trick was that we all select a card and he will find all of ours in all different ways.

So it started to get late and Miss got us a big Christmas Cake and it was soo cute. It was a chocolate cake with fruits and even Rudolph! My gal and I was one of the few first ones to get our cake as everyone was pretty shy to grab it off Miss' hands and the cake was nice.

Because it was nighttime, Miss came out with these really cool incense burner for mosquitoes but the wind was so strong that it kept blowing out every now and then and everyone kept moving from table to table to re-light their incense. At one time, some boys helped us to light ours and came back successful but soon after it blew out.

Getting a bit bored, we heard how a group was playing cards and so we joined in and played 13 in which we meet two boys. The four of us played and I lost the first round but after that my gal and I kept coming first and second and we were totally rocking that game. We soon took a photo and then played Cheat/Bullshit which went down to 3 people and we couldn't finish the game at all because we kept knowing who cheated and who didn't and when we stopped the game my gal and I decided to go home. We said our goodbyes to our teacher and went home.

Overall was an enjoyable party with lots of food, chilling and playing cards.


1. Parramatta gift shopping

As our English tutor teacher always throw her Year 12 graduates a Christmas party, my gal and I journeyed our way to Parramatta in searching of a gift for Miss D and also for my maths tutor teacher. We first went into Priceline to check out the make-up and perfume and browsed around for fragrances that are suitable for Miss (with the help of the shop assistant) but didn't end up buying anything as we wanted to browse around more. Note: Beyonce's "Heat Rush" smelt sooo good and the bottle was pretty too and I wanted to buy it for myself.

Walking down the centre, we stopped at a gift store and found a cute "teacher card" and a really nice jewelery box that was in a love heart shape, with beautiful blue fabric lining and is made of steel/metal sort of thing and is branded. I fell in love with the box and really thought it would be a nice gift so we added it to our list of "most likely buying" and continued browsing at other stores.

I think we then went into Typo and bought a travel mug with the "Keep Calm" logo. As we made our way to Myer's the perfume section we saw the Lollipotz stand, who makes the chocolates boutiques and they were really nice and we contemplated on whether or not to buy it. However, we didn't in the end. After buying "Red Label" at Woolies for my maths tutor teacher, in which I had to flash my ID and felt so happy to be finally 18, we ordered this Mexican potato at the Nachos, food court. It is like nachos but with mash potato instead and it was sooo yummy and filling and my gal and I was very full from it.

We decided to buy the card and jewelery box from the gift store and get it wrapped at the "free wrapping" stand at Westifields as both my gal and I hate wrapping presents and when all of the present shopping was done we had dessert at Max Brenner's.

We both indulged in their Chocolate Souffle and tired the White Chocolate Chai as I have seen on blogs that their tea pot is really cool and it WAS. Its in a red pot with clear glass and you can see all of the chai leaves. When you put it ontop of your cup, the tea comes out and as you gradually lift it up, it slows down the amount of tea poured in the cup!
It is really good to have as it will allow you to survive through the sweetness of the food and I will order that again. A teapot can pour around 3 cups.

Afterward, we went home and got ready for the upcoming party.

Karaoke Night and Wagaya
21st December 2011

Woke up at about 9:30am, due to my siblings craziness, and made them breakfast while cleaning the house. The weather outside looked so gloomy and cold and I started to feel sad about not being able to wear my new jumpsuit that is red on the top and black on the bottom. However, the sun peaked out of the clouds, allowing me to feel its warmth and then I knew I was able to showcase my jumpsuit.

11:40am, Mum finally came home from shopping and I slowly packed my handbag for the night. In my Tony Bianco bag was tissues, bottle of water, my iphone, Oroton Wallet, deodorant, lip balm and pads. I got dressed and headed to the car about 12:15pm while spraying Davidoff's Echo Woman. Arrived at Fairfield Station in time for the train and saw my two lovely gals and hopped on the train and met up with the our other two gals.

So 5 of us, girls are finally together and we chit chatted on the train until we reached Central. Then we walked to Chinatown and stopped at Morning Glory (as we were early for our booking at K1 - Karaoke Lounge). Spending our time browsing in the store, we were able to kill time and made our way up and up and up the many stairs to K1.

We sang for 3 hours and during that time we had lots of fun with our girls rapping so well, lasting so long song after song, singing in Korean, lots of giggles and just enjoying ourselves. I ordered some squid balls right away because I was soo hungry but it tasted alright something I wouldn't order again because it wasn't worth the price and we also ordered fries near the end. The 3 hours went by very fast and we went overboard with our song list.

Finishing our Karaoke session, we walked into the asian store of all the posters and I was looking for Wheesung's album but I couldn't find it and saw such a cute MBLAQ calendar but I didn't buy it. While we were making our way to Wagaya, our girls bought some delicious custard puffs and also bribed our gal to buy $5.00 worth and she did.

Entering Wagaya, we were seated at the Booth and man seeing the menu again makes me sooo happy as I crave for their food. Pressing away on the touch screen menu, we ordered:

2 of our girls had to go home earlier so the three of us indulged in another dish which was a lightly grilled salmon and scallop sushi and of course the icecream. The bill was really cheap and we only paid around $25.

Before making our way back to Central, I bought 10 egg tarts because they are soo damn good and yummy at Chinatown. We caught the train back home and home time was past 7pm.

Had a really fun night and can't wait till Christmas is over and when I'm more free to go out more.

Ever since moi's 18th, mum and I had been doing a bit of shopping and with shopping = shoe sale = purchase = my baby. Some time ago, we went to Liverpool Westfields and it was a horrible and stressful day but nevertheless I purchased 2 pair of shoes. The first one was at Sheriton Shoes and they were having a storewide sale. On the display shelf was this pretty, simple, tan heels. It was perfectly my style as it can be worn casually, easy to walk in with its laces, short heel height and was over 50%. Quickly searching for my size as there was only a few left, I found it and immediately took it to the counter while scanning for other shoes but with nothing I liked I purchased those babies for $60 down from $130 something.

Next stop was Wanted Shoes and on one side they stock up all of their sale shoes and what caught my eye was this beautiful fuchsia wedge. I picked up the size 36, tried it on and it was sooo beautiful as the height was perfect, fabric was gorgeous, nice straps and good price and since I always wanted a pink wedge I knew that it was the one. Unfortunately, it was the last pair 36 and was stained in the front so I asked the shop assistant about it and she ordered for me from another store and my mum only picked it up recently.

Price: $80 Saved: $70.

This week, mum and I went Fairfield to do some things and shopped and the best shoe shop with sales and brands are DSW (Direct Shoe Warehouse) at Neeta City. Mum and I walked in and I found a pair of flats that are mixed between red and pink with a bow, snake like skin design, in my size and only for $19 and after wearing it and seeing how pretty it was. I carried the box around with me for purchase. She also found a pair for $19 and as we were going to leave and pay for the shoes we didn't notice the 30% off stand for all "Glamour" Shoes. I saw this really beautiful black heels for my mum and there was size 5 and as she tried it IT FITS (as my mum's feet is really small and sometimes she doesn't even fit a size 5 so it was a miracle for it to fit) so I told her to buy it because it was just so nice. So she did but she chose the nude instead. Then I saw these black pumps. Same brand with a thick heel and when I tried it, it was sooo easy to walk in and I love it. Of course, as oppose to branded heels, the quality is not as good but it looks decent enough and I always wanted black pumps so I persuaded my mum into buying it.
Now I am SUPER HAPPY with all of my new babies and I guess it will be a long long long time before I will buy shoes ... well except for pink slim havaianas that I will buy soon.

18th Birthday
On the 11th of December 2011 (Sunday), moi celebrated her birthday. It was a house party with a theme of wigs! Unlike my sister's birthday ,where I had to help out a lot, this time I barely did anything except preparing some of the foods before hand, buy the alcohol and decorations and wig shopping and doing the music.

So on the day, I just cleaned the tables and table cloth them while tying up the balloons (but didn't hang them) and hanged up a few banners. The adults were doing all of the food and at around 3pm I showered and prepared to look all pretty for my birthday. At around close to 4pm the adults started to arrive, family by family and my friends came around 5pm. During my preparation, I had a birthday girl badge that lights up but when I opened it it already fell apart so I tried to glue it ... didn't work and then I used blu tack and it FINALLY worked.

Unfortunately due to many people's commitments, only 10 could make it from all of my invites but it was a great party and moi had soooo much fun.

F1 (Friend 1) arrived first and discovered me in my room still doing my hair and slowly getting ready to wear my wig to showcase them. F1 had a beautiful black and red mohawk. Soon after, F2 arrived and then F3. Funny thing is that I saw someone walking through the backyard through my window and I couldn't recognise the super tall person in black until she came in my room and BAM it was F3 omg her transformation totally shocks me and she rocked her wig sooo well that it looked REAL it was amazing and F2 had a awesome bright pink curly afro.

So we started to make our way outside, snapping away with photos then eating and me making Lemon Lime and Bitters and saying hi to the adults and accepting all of my wonderful gifts. It was very very enjoyable seeing the adults faces of witnessing my transformation in my blonde wig.

When I walked in the house at one time, I saw a long family friend and couldn't recognise him until he talked to me and everything and it was very strange because it has been sooo long since I have seen him and he had turned into a man since we played together when we were young as our families went on car trips together so pretty much the last time I saw him was many years ago. I offered him cruisers or Lemon Lime and Bitters and he opt for Beer hahhah which made me surprise as I forgot that he is such a "dude" now so I grabbed him a beer.

.... BLANK

All I remembered here is at times I was able to sit down and eat and drink and chat to the girls to make sure they are fine when I saw my family friend I tried to make him more comfortable as well and not isolate himself so much.

Then arrived was F4 and F5 who was picked up from Fairfield Station by my sister and appeared with NO WIG but I was soon comforted by the fact that they do and someone has them. Inviting them to sit down and eat, soon after F6 came and the wig session starts in my room.

OMG the GIRLS took FOREVER in there and everynow I will check up on them and slowly one by one has their wigs on and doing makeup and signing my cards. I hassled them everynow and then. SO while all of that happened, I continued eating and F7 arrived.

Poor thing must be so tired from the whole day of her commitments but she still made it and was the first one with no WIG so we forced her to wear my pink wig for the photos and shortly after F8 arrived with NO WIG as well. Sigh but I was happy that they made it so I was not upset at all.

Thinking that the girls should be finish, F9 and F10 arrived and so more wig and makeup time. I reapplied my lipgloss and I encouraged F4 and F6 to come out and eat as they were done and F5 was busy with helping the others with the wig.

Finally we were all done and came out at the same time with the adults showering all of us with compliments and loving our wigs. We took photos and unfortunately the girls only got a chance to sit for a while before we did the cake as some adults need to leave and I want to cut a piece of cake for them. Ran back in the house to change my wig into the pink one.

Bringing the cake out, an adult decorated my knife, I found some candles, my older sister and her boyfriend took the photos and someone gave me a lighter. Snap some photos which I was forced to smile with my teeth and it felt soo strange to have everyone's eyes on me. Also took group photos and maybe I was a bit nervous that I was going to blow the candles before giving anyone the chance to sing Happy Birthday before the beautiful F7 nudged me hahhah

The singing commences and I indeed was really happy and blew out the candles which took a while as they wouldn't go off and finally I did it and cut the cake. Then I had to do a speech which I hope sounded Ok as I never had done one before because everyone was just waiting around and here was one of the most stressful time. Cutting the cake, F7 helped me with and my mum and I both panicked as we found the plates but then not the spoons and it was just sooo stressful and messy. And of course F3 the master of our group cakes helped me with the plates and also the others.

Still couldn't find the spoons ,we took the forks and I finally handed out the cakes to everyone in my heels click clacking here and there and said goodbyes.

The girls continued eating and I took photos with everyone. At one point the adults were really hype with trying our wigs and went CRAZY and HYSTERICAL with them taking photos and laughing hahahha it was soo funny to see how much they enjoy it and even asked me to borrow everyone's wig for their Christmas Party so I have everyone's wig and will keep them safe so that I can return them to whoever wants them back.

We started to plan to play Black Jack and Jenga as everyone was done. I invited other family friends from inside the house to join us but only 1 of them did together with my family friend so we cleaned the table and took out the Midori.

For Blackjack, punishment was Midori straight shot and I can't remember if I lost the first round but I won the second and picked F9 to drink the shot. What I do remember is how F8 said it taste like COUGH SYRUP and damn it did!!! uggh it was disgusting.

We soon played Jenga and I split everyone in teams by where we are sitting and F1, F8, F9 was in one team. I was with the boys. F2, F3 and F4 was in one team and the last four in a team.

My team lost first as boys hands are rough and not gentle and our punishment was the Smirnoff Red straight shot and omg it was sooo strong and burning. I took out the bottle but there was only like around 1/3 left but was enough for all of our games as torture as I thought Midori was getting boring. On the table I also had a crusier while playing where my family friend opened the bottle for me as I can't open bottles. Then F3 went home at around 9pm and I sent her off with hugs and photos and poor thing she hates bitter so I had a shot of Midori for her and finished off her crusier. (I look after my guest)

We played Jenga for a while with the adults enthusiastically joining in and watching us and then we switched to playing 7. Maths game where you clap on any numbers containing 7 or multiple of 7 and we kept losing and not reaching 35. I lost one of the rounds and was punished with Smirnoff and lots of the girls was punished except the boys whose time tables is sooo awesome ... maybe because they are young and still alive with their memory.

I went off for a bit and saved F2 from a shot and didn't know that she had already 3. And oh all this time I still had my wig on hahha was the last one standing. F2 went into my room and lucky I was in the house and she was soo red from all of the punishment so I helped her out and made sure she is ok before going home and quickly made her green tea and for 2 other ppls (that I neevr gave too oops) and cake before sending her to her car.

I think we were still playing and then changed to other games before F8 had to go home and we had a very sweet talk before I sent her off with lots of hugs.

More photos and games and alcohol and lots of fun.

At about 10:40ish F4, F5, F6, F7 had to go home as F7 is still on her Red P's and is driving the rest home and we quickly gave each other hugs and goodbyes and photos again with some makeup removing.

Then there was F1, F9 and F10 left with the boys and we hanged a bit before F1 went home as she has work the next day and more hugs again.

Oh Yeah I forgot abt my beautiful 18sign that was signed by my friends and quickly gave it to other family friends as they are leaving home and I think at this stage it must be close to midnight because all I remeber is saying bye to a lot of adults and hugging them and thanking them and everything and saying bye to the kids.

Family friend was very nice to give me a goodbye hug and then there was F9 and F10 left and we planned to Karaoke as I have the set with very old english songs and was just waiting on my dad to set it up. We chit chat and when the karaoke was done we sang until around 12:40ish and that was when they both went home and more hugs.

That was a fun fun party with everything going smoothly, alcohol gone, lots of games, hugs and photos and wigs!

Tee's Cupcakes
Today at about 11pm my gal picked me up from my house to meet up with my other gal at Canley Vale's Tee's Cupcakes to have brunch.

Arriving at the carpark, we walked towards Tee's Cupcakes and it was my first time ever to step inside it and the interior is ok, neat and simple and cosy. We ordered from the menu a Ham, tomato and cheese sandwich toasted, Green Rose tea and a total of 2 Blueberry Macaroons and 5 Hazelnut Macaroons.

The macaroons were yummy as always and I slowly indulge in the biscuit's soft shell and into the beautiful cream of flavour. It was SO delicious as I haven't had macaroons in months and was dying for it.

The Green Rose tea was ok as it was really plain and you can't taste the tea but its fragrance was splendid. The tea was simply green tea with rose petals and something something ( can't remember the description) and it was $4.95 for a pot.

Chit chatting and having our girl time, we left after more than an hour and went home.

Brunch was fun and relaxing and in the future I can't wait to do it more often and when I get my P's to drive.

22nd November 2011
Today I woke up and it was already 1:00pm, what a waste of a day. I guess I slept so much from watching Vampire Dairies till the early mornings consecutively.

I have these flowers in my room and they are so beautiful and after waking up I sprayed them with water unfortunately, I have no idea how, a bud fell off so now I only have 3 buds left for it to bloom and with 4 flowers blooming already. I was sooo heartbroken.

In the afternoon, photoshopped my invite and now I'm just going to watch the amazing race and sort out music tomorrow or later on tonight.